It’s not too late to empower your Virginia Rules campers for an exciting and successful summer adventure by teaching a unit on youth employment in Virginia. By equipping them with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities, you can inspire students to seize the opportunities that await them, and help protect them from dangerous and illegal labor practices.
Teens and Employment
Download the Virginia Rules Teens and Employment lesson, handout and powerpoint (you’ll need an instructor account to access materials).
Be sure to cover these important points:
- Minimum age for employment is 14 and if under 16, minors need work permits to work.
- During the school year, 14- and 15-year-olds can work a maximum of 3 hours per day and 18 hours per week, but working during school hours is prohibited.
- Minors under 18 are restricted from engaging in hazardous occupations. Examples include operating heavy machinery, working with explosives, and jobs involving exposure to toxic substances.
- The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry actively enforces child labor laws. Encourage students to report any violations or concerns to ensure a safe working environment.
Should you or your students have any further questions or need additional information, check the VARules website’s employment page or visit the Youth Employment section of the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry’s website.
Why summer jobs are important
A summer job can promote positive growth and transformation in students’ lives. Supervisors and colleagues can serve as positive role models. Being exposed to responsible adults can help teenagers develop good work ethics and values. Also, summer employment enforces structure and responsibility in the younger generation by providing a routine. It helps them with their time management skills and keeps them occupied, reducing idle time that could lead to bad decisions.
Encouraging open communication, providing guidance, and emphasizing the importance of work-life balance will lead to better decision making this summer. As always, Educate & Engage with your students through all of the Virginia Rules curriculum!